Bogomolets National Medical University
We gladly welcome You to Ukraine, ancient and ever young Kyiv at one of the oldest and leading medical school –
O. O . Bogomolets National Medical University
DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN STUDENTS. 13, Shevchenko blvd ., Kyiv , Ukraine , 01601
Leading Medical School in Ukraine
Leading Educational Establishment of Higher Learning in Educational, Methodical and Humanitarian Activities
Leading Scientific and Preventive Care Centre
Basic in Coordination of Medical and Pharmaceutical Training in Ukraine
Medical School within 4 faculties of “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Preventive Care”, including programs, available in English
School of Military Medicine
School of Dentistry
School of Pharmacy
School of Medical Psychology
School for continuing education for Trainers
School for Postgraduate Training in Preventive Care Medicine
10 thousand undergraduate and postgraduate students including mastership, PhD and residency course students
8.2 thousand national students
908 international students from 53 countries
Medical, dental and pharmaceutical programs
Internship (1282)
Mastership (47)
Residency (179)
PhD (109)
Continuing education and courses of specialization (1919)
At the present over 1200 highly qualified lecturers work at 80 departments :
Doctors of Sciences – 1 80 Professors – 163
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) – 699 Associate Professors – 330
2 8 Academicians and Corresponding members of National Academies of Science ;
28 Academicians of Public Academies ;
3 8 members of International Academies, Scientific Associations and other scientific organizations ;
36 State Prize Laureates of Ukraine ;
24 Nominal Prize Laureates ;
5 8 Honoured scientists of Ukraine, Honoured Physicians of Ukraine
For the first time in CIS two Ukrainian and Russian manuals “Medical Educational worldwide and in Ukraine ” were published and earned international recognition.
48 leading department which are responsible for curriculum development for all medical schools in Ukraine
09 Jan 2005 ECTS was implemented at NMU with its educational methodical and informational support
16 computer classes that are functioning in every training building and student campus dormitory
The NMU library accounts for more than 700 thousand units of scientific literature including electronic database supply
2 computer reading halls with internet access
9 thesis defensive committees in 19 specialties;
738 patents for invention, 200 contemporary research projects annually, including over 50 research grants;
50 international, congresses, conferences and conventions annually;
22 scientific journals and thesis books;
The university possesses 123 hospital units of 53 university departments accounting for 7,5 thousand of beds;
over 170 thousand surgeries are performed annually
300 dental units
400 000 patients annually
International cooperation in educational and scientific spheres is maintained with WHO, 32 world and European Academies, Professional Associations and leading Universities worldwide
Kaunas University ( Lithuania )
Institute of Public Health ( Poland )
University of Alabama at Birmingham ( USA )
University of Iowa ( USA )
Karolinska Institutet ( Sweden )
NMU - co-founder of the Intercollegiate Eastern
and South-Eastern European Centre for Science
and Collaboration ( Italy )
21 international delegation visits within the last 5 years
From „ Statement of exceptions of foreign persons without citizenship
for studies at higher institutional facilities of Ukraine ”
(proposed and confirmed by Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers
as of August 5? ? , 1998, â„–. 1238)
p.4 Exception of foreigners for studies is based upon the following:
international agreements of Ukraine
general governmental programs
agreements, agreed upon higher institutional facilities with legal and physical persons.
p.5 Foreigners present the following documents to the higher institution:
a) standardized form;
b) document of secondary school completion, and the grades received, legalized and confirmed by the institutional facility, according to the countries laws;
c,d) medical certificate of personal health, approved by the official ministry of health from the country that the foreigner has arrived, and given no later then 2 months prior to arrival to Ukraine;
document of negative results for HIV-infection, tuberculosis, infective hepatitis, malaria, venereal diseases;
e) insurance policy certifying extreme medical care;
f) copy of birth certificate
g) 6 photos (60x40mm)
h) return ticket with open date of departure back to country of origin up to one year.
p.20 Foreigners are excepted to higher institution facility based upon interview results according to document agreement.
In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers N 1238 from 5 of August 1998, with the National medical university Rector’s orders were adopted following standingordersof entering the university by the foreign citizens .
Оn university’s faculties:
Interview with the vice-rector on educational work with foreign students and with members of the selection committee;
Decision of the selection committee about taking on studies;
Making (drawing up) a contract between university and foreign citizen;
Deposit payment by foreign citizen on account of National medical university for studying;
Taking on studying foreign citizen by the order of rector;
After foreign citizens are taken on studying the chief accountant of the National medical university regularly makes financial control for timely payments for studying and informs the Department of foreign students;
Оn postgraduate studying:
Foreign citizens who has diploma of specialist (MD) have interview with the vice-rector on educational work with foreign students and the head of appropriate department;
Taking entrance examinations according to the rector’s order;
Decision of the selection committee about taking on postgraduate studies;
Receiving the permit of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine about taking on postgraduate studies foreign citizen;
Making (drawing up) a contract between university and foreign citizen;
Deposit payment by foreign citizen on account of National medical university for studying;
Taking on studying foreign citizen by the order of rector;
After foreign citizens are taken on studying the chief accountant of the National medical university regularly makes financial control for timely payments for studying and informs the Department of foreign students;